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7th International Woodcraft Gathering - IWG 2014

(aktualizováno 12.6. 2014)
Zpráva » Pozvánka
People from UK, USA, Slovakia, Canada, Ukraine, Germany, The Netherlands, Israel, and you… woodcrafters from all the different countries are coming to the Czech Republic to have fun, share and enjoy their time together.
* Update June 2014 *
The final application form is available now. Please fill it here until 20 June 2014. One form for each group is enough, you don't need to fill it for each participant. Please if there are any other people around you who plan to come, let them know that we need to have the application form from them on 20 June 2014 latest. Otherwise we are not able to ensure accommodation etc. for them.
Patříte-li mezi české woodcraftery a chcete se na akci podílet, ať už účastí nebo přiložit ruku k dílu, přihlašte se prosím v české verzi pozvánky.
We would like to invite you to the 7th International Woodcraft Gathering which is going to be held from 2 August to 8 August 2014. It will take place in a lovely area in the western part of Bohemia, at the official campsite of the Czech Woodcraft League near Planá u Mariánských Lázní - the place where the Czech woodcrafters have been running their annual summer camps for many years! (Our two week summer camp starts at the same place on 27 June 2014, so if you want to, you can stay there for a longer time with us. Please let us know.)
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Campsite Kosí potok at night
Programme for children on the lower field
Morning song on the upper field

How to get registered for the Gathering

To receive email notifications about updates and additional details in this invitation, please, register yourself in the right part of this webpage - Přihlášení na akci. You need to fill in at least
  • your name (nickname) or the name of the whole group = Jméno (přezdívka) and
  • your email
and then click on the button register = Přihlášení. You will receive a confirmation message in Czech to your mailbox where no other action is needed. Both the filled name and email will be visible for the other visitors of the webpage.
If you want to, fill in also any of the other options before you click on the register button (Přihlášení). We would really appreciate it.
  • phone number = Telefon (for urgent cases only, it won't be visible)
  • in the box Hlásíte se jako select if you intend to come as an individual participant (jednotlivec) or a group (kmen/skupina). In case you are coming as a member of a group, please, fill in the expected number of participants below.
  • you can add a note = Poznámka
  • (don't fill Upozornit na emailu)
but do not forget to click on register = Přihlášení at the end. (Hope you will have taken a liking for the Czech characters by that time and you will enjoy your first lesson of the Czech language.) Once you have got registered, we will send you further information.
The final application form is available now. Please fill it here until 20 June 2014. One form for each group is enough, you don't need to fill it for each participant. Please if there are any other people around you who plan to come, let them know that we need to have the application form from them on 20 June 2014 latest. Otherwise we are not able to ensure accommodation etc. for them.

How to get to the place?

GPS: 49.87528, 12.809482
You can easily get to the campsite by public transport. Take a train from Prague or the other cities to the station Planá u Mariánských lázní (the campsite is about 5 km from Planá). If there are more than 10 people interested, we will arrange for a lift by coach from Prague to the Kosí potok campsite and back. We will meet you at the railway station in Planá on your arrival, of course, and give you a lift to the camp. Please, let us know how you plan to get to the place so that we can help you with your itinerary.


Campsite fees and catering charges netto will be no more than 180 CZK per day per person with the following reductions:
  • children under 16 years without catering - free
  • 100 CZK per day per person under 16 years
  • 150 CZK per day per person under 26 years
We have applied for several subsidies from the Ministry of Education, so the fees - especially for the youth under 26 - might decrease a bit finally. If you need more information about the costs, please, contact us directly.

The organization of the Gathering

We will certainly welcome any initiative of the foreign woodcrafters to take part in our effort to show a variety of the ways how to organize the daily run of the woodcraft camp! Please, feel free to offer any contribution and participation in terms of the organization of the rallies, rituals, games, lectures, workshops, etc. We will welcome your participation at the regular daily meetings of the Camp Council of Leaders (CCL).
We all will be staying in teepees or other traditional shelters and we would like to share the campsite with all of you! This is why we propose to have the "international" teepees adjacent to the clusters of the teepees of the Czech woodcrafters usually belonging to a particular tribe (woodcraft circle). We strongly believe that this will be the best way how to enjoy all the pros and cons of the camp life! It will help us organize cooking in these small groups and also share various kinds of irresistible recipes. :))
We hope that you will understand our aim to create the traditional atmosphere of the woodcraft camp and to avoid using the modern tourist tents. Please, bring your own sleeping bags and mattresses. Please contact us directly or use the note (Poznámka) in the registration in case you have any special requirements or wishes concerning the accommodation or catering. If there are any woodcrafters who cannot stay in our teepees and shelters for any reason, we will arrange for accommodation in Planá. There are a few pension houses with comfortable rooms. We would shuttle every day between Planá and the campsite. Please, let us know asap in Poznámka if you are interested and we will inform you about the prices.
You can find The camp regulations here: Camp Regulations - Excerpt (pdf, 44 kB).

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„Zubřík“ on the left & teepees
Teepee inside, how it can look like


With the motto „the more you give the more you get“ everybody is more than welcome to contribute to the programme. Feel free to let us know if you need any special equipment to make your program perfect! So far we can promise you
  • Annual Woodcraft Council Fire of the Czech Woodcraft League - it will take place on 2 August. You are warmly invited to take part in it, it will be mediated bilingual.
  • Merry Moot - traditional parade of woodcraft fun - everybody can contribute with dancing, songs, fun drama, poems, fun competitions and many more!
  • Handicrafts - workshops in woodcarving (Buffalo??), weaving, textile painting, pottery, etc.
  • Visit of the National cultural monument Castle and Chateau Bečov and the shrine of St. Maurus 40 km away from the campsite, where two of our members live and work. The reliquary of Saint Moor is the second most famous goldsmith monument in the Czech Republic.
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Ship competition
Bread oven

And also...

Many of you would like to make the most of your stay in the Czech Republic and we would like to make your stay here as pleasant as possible. The members of our organization come from various regions of the Czech Republic and they will be happy to have you and help you explore their places of living. Some of us are ready to host you at the place (by two people or more), the others will be happy just to show you round their cities.
You can stay with us also in Prague or we can recommend some economy hostels (also a convenient clubroom of one of our tribes is available - with all necessary facilities, if you can sleep on your matresses on the floor) and Martin Kupka - Logan will organize sightseeing in Prague for you in the days after the official part of the gathering!
Now it´s up to you and so the sooner you write to us about your preference and ideas, the better chance we will have to prepare the programme for you.
On behalf of the whole team of organizers
Jana Kluiberová - Čeyanala (international(zavináč)woodcraft(tečka)cz)
Foto: Renata Brudňáková, David Gajdoš - Tygr, Petr Hendl - Wanigiska

Komentáře, diskuze

14.6. 2014 11:41
Bobr - Bedřich Homola
GPS:49.87528,12.809482,uvedené v IWG2014 jsou na nezpevněné cestě za vodou.
Vhodnější jsou souřadnice
sněmovního kruhu
15.6. 2014 10:05
Čyn - Jana Kluiberová
Ahoj Bobře,
je to tak schválně. Předpokládám, že GPS souřadnice budou hlavně pro motorizované účastníky a chceme je tudíž navést na parkoviště.
10.4. 2023 17:00
Kathy Irwin
I am researching the still very active Indian Village Summer Camp in Columbus Ohio USA. Started by Ernest Thompson Seton and the City Parks & Recreation Department back in 1927!
A sister camp to your movement.
Kathy Irwin/Houston Texas USA

Kolik je dva krát pět ? (ochrana proti nevyžádanému příspěvku)

Nový příspěvek
* Povinná položka
Příspěvky vyjadřují názory čtenářů. Správce těchto stránek nemůže ovlivnit jejich obsah a nenese za něj zodpovědnost. Vyhrazuje si však právo je odstranit.
Nepřijatelné jsou zejména urážky, vulgarismy, rasismus, neplacená reklama a příspěvky nesouvisející s příslušným tématem.
Pokud s něčím nesouhlasíte, uveďte důvod a přidejte argumenty. Jinak je váš názor k ničemu a nemá tu co dělat.

Seznam přihlášených účastníků

Přihlášen Počet Poznámka
Rafał Łoziński1
Albert Minář Hrom1
Čiksika2asi v týpí s Parákovými / Netopýrem
A Pollen2
vivienne cluff(OWC england)1
Order of Woodcraft Chivalry14numbers might change
Clive Bowen (Buffalo)1So looking foward to see you in Czech Republic
Lynden Bowen1
Katherine Pringle1
Glo pringle1
Dor Posner15Israel Scouts
Bowen Kindred2There maybe another 3 from the Bowen kindred
pelican (mick tutt)1i think i will probably stay in marianskch - either in a pension or i will book into a hotel
Barbara Witemeyer1