Kopie alba, které bylo v r.1936 věnováno E.T.Setonovi

Fu's wasting my arrows.
Fu's wasting my arrows.
(Fu mi ztrácí šípy.)
On top of my tee-pee
On top of my tee-pee.
(Na vrcholku mého týpí.)
The Wahpetons were quite a tribe.
The Wahpetons were
quite a tribe.

(Wahpetonci byli docela
Here they are making their beds.
Here they are making
their beds.

(Tady si vyrábí své
That's a cabin again.
That's a cabin again.
(Opět srub.)
Sova is one of our boys.
Sova is one of our boys.
(Sova je jeden z našich hochů.)
After the morning song.
After the morning song.
(Po ranní písni.)
Council rock.
Council rock.
(Poradní skála.)
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