Here the St.John's valley begins. (Tady začíná údolí Svatého Jana,) |
... and just about here it ends. (A tady právě končí.) |
The sun shines bright....on my cousin Vlada, who took these pictures. (Slunce svítí... na mého bratrance Vláďu, který vyfotil tuto fotku.) |
Here we had some milk in the forester's. My sister, Sova, Me, Beaver, and finally Sova's sister. (Tady v lesníku popíjíme mléko. Má sestra, já, Bobr a nakonec Sovy sestra.) |
The cabin after breakfast, had our lunch like this out in the woods, and come back at night. (Srub po snídani. Oběd jako tento jsme měli v lese a vrátili jsme se v noci) |